Grow your business faster with QR Cards

Get more Google Reviews and more customers


of customers look at online reviews before making a decision

Give each customer their own QR Card to review your business when they want. No ‘on-the-spot’ pressure like other QR tools.


The Fastest Way to Grow a Local Business

QR Cards are business cards that contain ‘Quick Response’ codes. These codes store information. They are scanned using a smartphone to allow your customer to visit the page you want them to including your Google Review page and another, which could be a menu, booking page, property listing, gallery, etc.

QR Cards contain a 3 second link to your Google review page

Choice of stylish designs to suit any local business


Get more Google Reviews and more customers

Google Reviews are a critical component of a local business’s online presence. Not only do they help with search rankings but also play a vital role in building credibility, trust, and customer loyalty. Regularly encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews helps the growth of a local business.

Give customers a QR Card to take home and scan when they want

The cheapest local advertising from only £0.18 per card

How QR Cards Work

Open your QR scanner

Open the menu on your mobile phone and look for a ‘QR Scan’ feature. Click on it.

qr scanner

Scan the QR Card

Hover your phone over the QR Card. It will scan the code and give a link to click on.

Leave a Google Review

Click on the link and you will log into Google and see the review page of the business.

“What % of your customers actually take the time to go online and give you a review? Not many I bet. QR Cards helps capture those lost reviews and at such a great price too.”

Adrian Joseph

Owner, FB Homes

hotel reviews 1

What is each 5-Star review worth to your business?

£1K?... £5K?... £10K?

Google Reviews are read by prospective customers many times a day, every single day. The 5 Star Reviews make the difference to your ranking and your revenue. How much will each one be worth to your business over the coming years?

Choose a card design >

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